Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great Easter Resurrection weekend!  Mine went well and was jam packed with activities that were so much fun!

Anywho, so you do know that we are in the spring season right now, right?  And that one thing that a lot of people do during this season, is some Spring Cleaning!

So this week, I am going to be focusing on Spring Cleaning: Kid Edition.

So here are three tips on how to spring clean concerning your kids.

1:  Create Some Daily Confessions
-It’s so imperative to start your kids early on speaking over themselves. If they can build this muscle as a child, then as they grow up into an adult, they would be a beast in knowing who they are and whose they are. Like I alway say, you have what you say. Especially growing up in this day of age, there’s a lot that kids deal with, so let’s start them on speaking over themselves daily, gaining their self-confidence, saying who they are, and whose they are, and what they can achieve.

2:  Out with the old, in the with the new
-Has it been a while since you’ve updated your kids’ wardrobe? Don’t fret! You can do that now. Don’t be a hoarder, get rid of the unnecessary items in their closet they no longer need and/or fit.  Now, I understand there are certain items you would like to keep for keepsakes, but not everything is a keepsake! LOL –The same goes with their toys. If they have not played with it in a while, then it may be that time to give it away or get rid of it.

3:  Spring Activities
-Easter just passed, and now the end of school is approaching.  There are a lot of spring activities that your little ones can be involved with.  Some include: swimming lessons, going to a park (or even better, a theme park), going to a farm, visiting a zoo, ride their bikes, and so forth.
Some more activities you can be doing during this time to get them out of the house and moving and keeping them safe in this pandemic, is to take them to a beach, a pool, kid museum, theme park, splash park, the list goes on and on and on. But whatever you decide to do, let it be something that switches up the change of scenery for them.


I hope these have been helpful!

Kimberly Gumbs

Kimberly Gumbs

Kimberly Gumbs

Hey to all of my fellow moms who are currently out there killin’ it in your home life, wife life, mom life, job life, business life, health and fitness life, spiritual life. I can go on but you get where I’m going with this! I am Kimberly Gumbs, also known as Kim The Geek.