Hey ya’ll! It’s the start of a new week, so what better way to start your week off right by speaking what you want to see!

Do you know that your words matter?!  Like, you literally have what you say!

A lot goes on in our busy mom lives, so why not begin your days with speaking positive over yourself. So this week, I’m giving you 10 affirmations to say all this week so that you can have a better than ever week!

So say these affirmations out loud DAILY!

1 – I live to please God

2 – I am healthy, and I live a healthy lifestyle

3 – My mind is alert and I think the thoughts of God

4 – I am prosperous, abundantly supplied and living in surplus in every area of my life

5 – I am Blessed to be a Blessing

6 – I am consistent

7 – I walk in excellence in every area of my life

8 – I am influential, effective and expanding my reach

9 – I am the best wife

10 – I am the best mom

 Not only start your week off with these, but continue to say these daily.


Kimberly Gumbs

Kimberly Gumbs

Kimberly Gumbs

Hey to all of my fellow moms who are currently out there killin’ it in your home life, wife life, mom life, job life, business life, health and fitness life, spiritual life. I can go on but you get where I’m going with this! I am Kimberly Gumbs, also known as Kim The Geek.