Happy Monday and Happy International Women’s Day to my #busymom crew! I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

In honor of today being International Women’s Day, I wanted to dedicate this blog post to YOU! And if you know me well, you know where I’m going with this.  And if not, I’ll tell you.

In my circle of friends and anyone else that knows me, knows that I’m the encourager, and the person that will push you to be all that God wants you to be.

So with that, I want to give you 10 declarations you can declare over yourself daily that will help and remind you of who you are and whose you are!  Life can get very busy at times, and in those times, sometimes we forget about taking care of ourselves and our well-being. So saying these declarations daily will assist you in keeping you first!


Say the following:


“I am fearfully and wonderfully made”

“I am a virtuous woman and my husband is a mighty man of valor”

“I have the wisdom of God”

“I am graced to handle my role”

“I am loved by God no matter how I perform”

“I am bold. I am confident.”

“My children are obedient and taught of the Lord”

“My gifts make room for me”

“I can. I will. I must.”

“My children and husband rise and call me blessed”


Continue to speak these affirmations over yourself daily. You’ll be amazed at the results!



Kimberly Gumbs

Kimberly Gumbs

Kimberly Gumbs

Hey to all of my fellow moms who are currently out there killin’ it in your home life, wife life, mom life, job life, business life, health and fitness life, spiritual life. I can go on but you get where I’m going with this! I am Kimberly Gumbs, also known as Kim The Geek.