It’s Monday #busymamas! Did you get a chance to enjoy Super Bowl weekend?! I, on the other hand, don’t care too much for it, so instead I finished the season of Bling Empire on Netflix and also watched the cute movie, Work It. lol…..As you can see, I was sooooooo into the game (wink).
Anywho, last week I talked about how to have a productive week: kid edition. Well, this week, I wanted to show you How To Have A Productive Week: Marriage Edition.
Part of being overall productive in your life, means that you are also productive in the marriage area. Ask yourself these questions?
-Is my husband set up for a successful week?
-Do you meet with your spouse to discuss what’s going in the week?
-Do you have time alone designated for you and your spouse?
I get it……being a mom, wife, boss, and everything else can be A LOT at times. But being a productive mom, wife, and boss can make your life so much easier. Here are 3 ways that have helped me have a more productive week with my husband, and I know for sure it will help you too!
1 – Help Set Your Husband Up To Have A Successful Week
-If you don’t already do this, get a set day and/or time you can pray for and over your spouse. Because guess what, just like you need it, he needs it to. Pray for his health, pray for his wealth, pray for his peace, pray for wisdom, etc. Pray for any and all areas that you need to cover your spouse in. This can definitely aid in having him have a successful week by getting God involved.
2 – Communicate The Week’s Happenings
-In order for you and your spouse to be on the same page for the week, it’s important that you both communicate all that’s happening at the beginning of the week. You want to make sure to cover anything school related with the kids, meals, bills, business meetings, etc. When the both of you are all in sync, your household will be running like a well-oiled machine.
3 – Family Meeting And Date Night
-I can say that my husband and I have been blessed to have such a great spiritual covering over us. From the beginning of our marriage, our Pastors really laid out a great foundation for marriage, with one of those being having weekly family meetings and date nights. Our weekly family meetings are designed to have a set time and day each week where we are able to communicate to each other everything that has bothered us about the other spouse and at the end of it, have solutions on how to fix it (side note: I’ll have to breakdown in another blog post on how to effectively have a family meeting). Once the family meeting is over, then we have a date night. By doing both of these, we ensure that we are effectively communicating with each other each week and also spending some quality alone time with each other. So I really recommend for you and your spouse to have weekly family meetings and date nights to help boost your communication in your relationship.
I hope these tips are helpful for you to have a productive week this week!
Kimberly Gumbs