So it’s Monday, and you now realize that the weekend has flown right on by. You wake up, drowsy, unmotivated, unenthused, and ready for it to be the weekend already.
Well, don’t fret my friend. I am going to show you how to set your tone for the week. So today, I am going to give you 5 Tips on How To Have a Better Than Ever Monday.
1 – Before Monday (on Sunday), write out your to do list for the week and prep for the week. Whether that’s prepping your meals, clothes, kids’ clothes, school schedules, etc. Prep!
2- When you first wake up on Monday, acknowledge God. This always help me set the tone for my day and week. A simple “Great Morning God and thank you God” can most definitely set the tone.
3 – Drink that coffee. Drink that tea. Exercise. Whether you are a coffee /tea/water drinker, or loves to exercise, or maybe do all 3 – doing these activities in the morning can help you get your day going.
4 – Clean your house and work area before you start your day on Monday. You will want to do this over the weekend so that when Monday comes, you will wake up and also work in a clean environment. By having a clean environment around you can you help think more clearly.
5 – Avoid scheduling heavy meetings and having a heavy to-do list on Monday. I find my Mondays to flow more easier when it’s not a heavy meeting day and my to do list don’t look like it has an end point.
I hope these 5 Tips on How to Have a Better Than Ever Monday have been a great help to you!
Kimberly Gumbs